

"These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33


Monday, August 15, 2011


    Four Great Days of:

 Fitting and Showing,

Hugs from the Leader of the Year!


Barn Duty,

Rubber Ducky Races,

Bunny Stacking, etc., etc!

Then, after it was all over, the barn (which won the "Best 4-H Barn" award) went from this,

To this,

to this,

To this in under 35 minutes!
(It's amazing what Parents, Leaders, and Kids, who've had more fun than they can stand for the last four days and just want to go home, can do!)

We left for the fair on Wednesday night with 4 Guinea Pigs,
and we arrived home Sunday night with,

4 Guinea Pigs,

Nine Ducklings,

And Ten Chicks

While Mom needs a year to rest, we are looking forward to doing it all over again next year!

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Jesus, Friend of Sinners by Casting Crowns

Jesus, friend of sinners, we have strayed so far away
We cut down people in your name but the sword was never ours to swing
Jesus, friend of sinners, the truth's become so hard to see
The world is on their way to You but they're tripping over me
Always looking around but never looking up I'm so double minded
A plank eyed saint with dirty hands and a heart divided

Oh Jesus, friend of sinners
Open our eyes to the world at the end of our pointing fingers
Let our hearts be led by mercy
Help us reach with open hearts and open doors
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners, break our hearts for what breaks yours
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And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)