I'll have to admit that this was a pleasant change from waking up to another dead (murdered) animal or vegetable.
This is what we found eating kale in the garden this morning
No girls, I really don't think that God sent us a goat. We don't need a goat. Yes He sometimes sends us things that we don't even know we need. Yes, He does work in mysterious ways.
But sometimes people are just careless about latching their goat pen, and the goats stroll off into the woods until they find a garden with some Kale still growing it. Sorry, girls.
So, hopefully her owner will call the Humane Society or the Animal Rescue place to get our number. Both places were clear that they were not set up for goats so neither place will take her. I was also told to call the animal dispatch person, but he is out of his office until Monday. So, hopefully somebody will miss her soon!
Update: Her owner finally thought to call the Humane Society and got our number. She is now safely back home where she belongs :)