I guess nothing very noteworthy happened in January. When I went to look through the pictures that were taken in January to find something to post, all I found were a few pictures of Rickey,
and then there were these pictures.
I am posting these because I want to remember this as a Blessing.
This blessing started when a guy from the water department came to the door and said that our water usage was double what is was last month, so we must have a leak somewhere in our water line. The leak is not the Blessing. The leak was somewhere between the 650 feet from the house to the meter. Other than spending $$$ on special locating equipment, the only way to find the leak was to grab a shovel and dig. So Doug and Tyler got shovels and started digging. They dug along three feet of the water line and there it was. Doug even had all the parts he needed to repair it. They did not have to dig up 647 feet of water line, and we didn't have to buy any parts to have it fixed. Now, that's a Blessing!
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.2 Corinthians 4:17