Our blog book would be incomplete if I don't have a least one post for September.
We did start school early this month, and with Tyler's graduation, we are down to three students.
We have two 11th graders and one 8th grader. Last year most of their work was on the computer, and this year, we are back to mostly textbooks. Text books are overwhelmingly preferred, so I guess they aren't completely lost to the cyber world, yet!
I don't know how anybody can make a living at farming.! Around here there is some evil creature lurking around every corner ready to devour our livestock or produce. We haven't seen the Eagles lately so the ducks have been resting easy, but our apples are disappearing by the bushel before they are even ripe enough for the juice and applesauce I had planned for them.
Don't let those big brown eyes fool you, because I am here to tell you that those furry little deer have a very DARK side!
They are extremely sneaky. They walk in the yard like they have every right to be there, and let their little fawns frolic around to entertain us while they chow down on our precious produce (carefully avoiding the weeds, of course)!
They bit a hole in the netting and helped themselves to our strawberry plants....
They chewed off a Hydrangea bloom from a plant I brought back to life.
Apparently they also like daisies,
Petunias and,
green tomatoes.
Every web site I've ever read about how to deter deer says to plant marigolds because deer don't like marigolds. Apparently the deer around here are to busy raiding gardens to surf the web and find out what they are not supposed to like. Here's what they think about the marigold theory..
Thank goodness we don't have to totally depend on our farming abilities to survive, because we'd be in trouble. It's still makes me want to borrow Alanna's BB gun!