Friday, not only did we go across the water, ...
we went over the mountains!
Mandy had to attend a conference for her graduate program that was held at a college on the other side of the state. Unfortunately Mandy, like her mother, is directionally challenged, so Doug and I got to escort her to her destination.
I was not a lot of help, in getting us there and back. I couldn't even program the GPS properly. It kept telling us, "Turn left!", "Turn left!", and Doug kept saying that left isn't right (I knew that!).
I was, however, able to act as photographer while Doug and I entertained ourselves all day, Saturday.
So after a night in a noisy hotel with the worst excuse for pillows I've ever seen, we dropped Mandy off at her conference, and went off to tour a wind farm.
It was fascinating even though it was very very windy, but I guess that just means they chose a good spot to put 149 windmills!
This is the diameter of the bolts used.
We even got to go inside, but we didn't get to climb the ladder.
Here is one of the blades. They don't look quite as big when they're up in the sky!
Doug and "Dexter" in the interpretive center.
So, Mandy got another graduation requirement out of the way, we got some alone time with our firstborn, and Doug and I had a good day doing something different.
Now, since we have some traveling experience under our belts we feel qualified in giving some traveling advice......."Always bring your own pillow!"