Last weekend Grandma and Patty (who just passed the Bar and we are very proud of) came for a visit.
We always have fun with them and this visit was no exception. We did miss Trisha and Mia (well I can't say that Rickey missed Mia), but we did have a great time!
The girls said,
"Why have just a cup of tea when we could have a whole tea party?"
So they got out recipes, went to the store and got to work!
And then we figured, "Why have only one grandma when we could have two?"
And, of course Mandy figured, "Why pour cream out of a regular pitcher when we could have it come straight from the month of a porcelain cow?"
A wonderful time was had by all!
There were some who were not invited to the tea party because they are sadly lacking in tea party manners,
but there were a few leftovers.
They did have to share the leftovers with the girls, though.
After a rousing round of Killer Bunnies...
Qwerkle was next. We figured, "Why use only one box of Qwerkle tiles when we could use two?"
Then Mandy and Patty thought, "why play 10 Days in one continent when you
can play 40 days in 4 continents?"
What do you mean I can't sit here?
We can't wait to get together again soon!